Your Dog is "Well-Loved"
(or just the tiniest bit overweight).
(or just the tiniest bit overweight).
Has your dog managed to sneak, cajole, plead and whimper for one too many treats? Yeah, mine too. My little rascal just has to look at me and I want to strew delicious lamb morsels at her feet. She is VERY "well-loved"!
One of the down-sides to being too well-loved, is that my pup has lost a bit of mobility (which is irrelevant in her mind as she'd rather spend all of her semi-waking hours cozily ensconced on her pillow...but I digress.) If your pup is in similarly well-love state, then a dog life jacket is critical if you are going near the water. If your dog is like mine and wants to stay supine most of the time, a dog life jacket will help your well-loved pup stay afloat if the event of being unexpectedly submerged. If your dog wants some exercise, then the dog life jacket will provide some buoyancy to offset those extra treats.
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